What if you're fighting for something that isn’t worth the fight? If you listed where your time, energy, and resources go - what would rise to the top? Jesus had a list like this too, but his priorities don’t always match ours. As we step into this season, we’re confronted with an important question: Are we people who grant access to Jesus, or do we sometimes stand in the way?
1. Growing up, what was your experience with Lent? How has that shaped the way you approach this season now? Do you have any current practices or traditions?
2. Revisit and read John 12:19. The “this” in the verse is all the efforts the Pharisees were making to keep people from following Jesus because they:
- Were worried about losing their influence in (over?) the world.
- Believed they needed to win for God’s sake.
- Believed that if they lost, the world was lost.
When you think of who you follow, listen to, read, etc. do any of them sound like this? Have you ever felt this way yourself - even in a small way? How has that shaped your response to Jesus?
3. Revisit and read John 12:24-26. Jesus provides a clear contrast to the Pharisees mindset while speaking to the Greeks visiting him - he:
- Chose to die for the world.
- Knew he needed to lose for God’s sake.
- Believed that if he lost, the world would win.
Philip lived this mindset out by choosing to follow Jesus and getting these Greeks (the outsiders) to him. Considering these two mindsets, are you more of a Phil or a Pharisee these days? Why?
4. Jesus’ mindset challenges our natural desire to win and hold on to control, status, or comfort. Where do you see or feel this tension in your own life right now?
5. I need to die to (what) so that I can die for (who). What and who are in the blanks of that sentence for you? How might your tensions from the previous question inform what you need to die to?
- Own it. Don’t ignore the tensions and nudges you’re feeling internally. Write them down, say them out loud, or share with someone else (or do all three). Don’t let what you’re learning and sensing now just drift back into your normal routine.
- Let go of it. Ask God to help you make the change you’re sensing you need to make.
- Tell him exactly what you’re going to do and why.
- Ask him to affirm, correct, or clarify as you go.
- Ask for his grace and encouragement. Ask for courage and conviction.
- Make time and space to pause, be quiet, and listen to what he has to tell you.
- Find reminders. Consider a traditional Lenten practice (prayer, fasting, giving, etc.) to help shift your focus to Jesus and what he’s doing in you this season.